A QDRO is called a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or sometimes a Domestic Relations Order is a type of Court order that is used to divide certain type of retirement plans.   One must obtain a QDRO from a QDRO Attorney in Sacramento to divide and obtain a share of their pension in a divorce.

A joinder must be completed prior to the division of your retirement plan and in many circumstances prior to the divorce being completed.   This means that your retirement plan or your spouse’s retirement plan must be joined.   

Typically true retirement plans and pensions like: California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS), California State Teachers Retirement Systems (CalSTRS), University of California Retirement System (UCRP), Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) must be joined.

Some non-true retirement plans will not have to be joined depending on the retirement plan.

You have the legal right and obligation to receive one-half of your pension from your spouse in a dissolution or legal separation of marriage.   This is typically done through a QDRO Attorney in Sacramento, who divides your pension using a QDRO.   It can also be accomplished through a retirement buy-out.

You have the option of not giving your spouse one half of your retirement but you will have to give them equivalent money from other parts of the community estate.   So, if you would like to keep your pension, you’de have to find something else in the divorce case that is worth your spouse’s equal interest in your retirement.

Some types of retirement plans have the option of a survivor death benefit policy.  A survivor death benefit policy is a type of life insurance plan.   Like a life insurance plan, there are policy premiums with a survivor death benefit plan.   These premiums are typically paid retirement benefit itself.

QDROS are incredibly complicated.   However, there generally time rule QDROs and separation of account QDROs.   The types that will benefit your family the most will depend on the individual facts and circumstances in your case.   Because of the specialized nature of QDROs are firm typically works in conjunction with a retirement plan specialist or actuarial evaluator to get you’re the best possible result.

Although there are model form QDROs, QDROs are not all boilerplate.   It is important to discuss your legal rights and obligations with a Sacramento QDRO attorney prior to you signing it.    A word or two off can mean a world of different in the amount that you may receive or may have to pay from your retirement plan.  Make sure the plan specifies what happens to your future service credits, benefits and survivor death benefits.

All Court orders vary, but the current industry norm in Sacramento is that the costs are split.

One can obtain an actuarial evaluation of a retirement plan.    Actuaries typically exist in the insurance world, but they exist in the retirement division world, too.   What an actuary will do is calculate the value of your retirement plan based upon your anticipated life expectancy.  Actuaries are typically used in community property cases that involved a retirement buy-out.

It will depend on the individual retirement plan.    You generally will be in the same shoes as your spouse who had the retirement plan.    Some retirement plans will permit you to make a lump-sum payout.   Other retirement plans will let you have the lifetime annuity interest in your retirement plan.

A QDRO can be processed at any time during the divorce case, however, the most common thing to do is to wait until there is a final judgment on dissolution in your case. 

To process a QDRO, typically the stipulation or judgment dividing the retirement is sent over to an attorney who specializes in drafting QDROS.    That can take 1-3 weeks – although there is an option or expedited service.    After drafting the QDRO, the parties and their attorney’s review and sign.   That QDRO then is forwarded to the Court and then your plan administrator