Advice to Clients

Advice to Clients

Text Messages, social media, and emails. 

Expect everything that you write to your partner to be read by the judge.  Do not write anything, post anything or allow others to take pictures of you that could be used against you.

Custody Communications.

    Absolutely no rude or disrespectful text messages, or voicemail.  Expect that these will be used against you.

Lowering your Legal Costs.   

Lawyers are expensive.   Doing the following can reduce your legal costs:  Gather all documentation when requested by your attorney, work out as many issues as you can with your spouse (especially if it involves your children), use common sense, and try to be as reasonable as possible with your ex.

Custody In General.   

Custody can be tough.  Try to treat your ex-partner with dignity and respect even if they do not show it to you.  Allow your children to be children.  Compromise whenever possible.  

The following actions can hurt you in Family Court: coaching your child, involving your child in litigation, allow the child to be the middle person in custody cases, sending rude or disrespectful communications to your ex, treating your child as a confidant against your ex, asking your child to keep secrets, or not communicating key details on your child’s life to your ex.

  Third party “helpers.”  Everyone has a friend, family member, or social media expert who has been through a divorce.  Take their advice with a grain of salt.


What is a QDRO?

A QDRO is called a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or sometimes a Domestic Relations Order

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